Here are the pictures that I believe highlight my strong points in Photoshop. Most of them are mine, although some of them are based on tutorials I have read when I was first starting out photoshop. There are a lot to come.

For Friends:
Cizen Dice - This is a banner that I made for my friend. Took me about half an hour to do since I wasn't sure how I wanted it to end up like, I was making it up as I go.

Edardanauserus - Another banner I made for a friend. Took me about10-20 minutes

StupidMagic - After I made the banner for Cizen Dice, I made one for my Little brother using the same technique. Since I knew how it was done, it took me less than 5 minutes to do.

Popping Vitamins - This was actually made to make fun of my Health teacher. Took me a
while I think. I did it a while back.
Glassy Text - This was based on a tutorial I read, although not exactly like it. The text at the bottom is all my idea though.

Globe - Again, based on a tutorial, although I altered the tutorial a lot.

On fire - Still, based on another tutorial. Used in the background below.|

Yonder Wallpaper - This one, was not based on a tutorial! It was all my ideas, including the back, which is especially mine, which you can see again in the banner at the top of this page. Only the flaming text was based on a tutorial, but still involved a lot of work on my part.
Knife - Read a tutorial on a knife, couldn't resist but to do it.